4 kilos lost in 5 days

3 minute read

  Consume Good Fats

Foods high in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are considered healthy fats. Nuts, salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, or carp, olive oil, sunflower seeds, and melon seeds are all good choices.

Omega-3 fatty acids serve to balance the omega-3 to omega-6 ratio in the body, lowering inflammation and weight gain (16). Omega-3 fatty acids also aid in the prevention of muscle atrophy and insulin resistance.

Prepare Your Meals

Cooking your own meals will assist you avoid ingesting too many calories. Sauces, dips, salad dressings, and flavor enhancers are common sources of hidden calories in restaurant cuisine. Consuming them on a daily basis might be dangerous.

For a quick supper, create a nice salad with olive oil dressing or soup. You may also grill chicken, fish, tofu, or mushrooms with vegetables, or create daal soup with vegetables. You will also be able to control the amount and quality of oil, the amount of salt, and the vegetables you use.

Exercise Portion Control

Controlling portion size lowers calorie consumption (18). This, in turn, is an excellent method for losing weight. The general rule is that half of your plate should be vegetables, one-fourth should be a source of lean protein, and the remaining one-fourth should be whole grains. Also, use a smaller plate.

Take Note of Your Food

Take note of what and how much you consume. It will alert your brain to the amount of food you have ingested. You will not be hungry immediately after eating. Turn off the TV, laptop, and phone for a few minutes and enjoy your meal.

Eat Slowly

Do not rush when you eat. Eat slowly, chew the food, and taste the flavors. Eating slowly and chewing well prevents overeating and increases satiety (19). A study showed that slow eating also helped people with type 2 diabetes reduce weight.

Consume Black Coffee

Caffeine is present in black coffee. Caffeine in black coffee has been shown in studies to help lower BMI and increase fat reduction (21). A study found that caffeine at 4 mg/kg and 8 mg/kg boosted metabolic rate in obese adults.

Avoid consuming alcohol

Excessive alcohol drinking leads to weight gain . To lose weight quickly, it is best to abstain from alcohol for at least two weeks. To commemorate your new lifestyle, you may have a glass of wine at the conclusion of Week 2.

Probiotics should be consumed

Probiotics are beneficial gut bacteria that aid digestion and lower the risk of obesity and metabolic disorders. Increase the amount and diversity of beneficial gut bacteria by eating plain yogurt, probiotic beverages, kimchi, and sauerkraut.

Snack on Healthy Foods

It is natural to feel hungry between meals. To lose weight quickly, you must be cautious about the foods you take. Consume nutritious snacks such as carrots, cucumbers, baked chips, hummus, fruits, coconut water, buttermilk, and freshly squeezed fruit juice. At all costs, avoid unhealthy food.

Eat your dinner early

Prepare your meal by 7 p.m. You will have 2-3 hours to digest your meal before retiring to bed. Eating late and then sleeping impairs healthy digestion. Also, if you prefer to eat carbohydrates, eat them before 7 p.m.

The greatest strategy to acquire a thin physique quickly is to combine a healthy diet with frequent physical exercise. Ingest less sugar, exercise portion control, eat slowly, consume more protein and healthy fats, drink green tea or black coffee, stay hydrated, and avoid alcohol. Additionally, work out every day by going for post-dinner walks, jogging, high-intensity intermittent training, and strength training.The greatest strategy to acquire a thin physique quickly is to combine a healthy diet with frequent physical exercise. Ingest less sugar, exercise portion control, eat slowly, consume more protein and healthy fats, drink green tea or black coffee, stay hydrated, and avoid alcohol. Additionally, work out every day by going for post-dinner walks, jogging, high-intensity intermittent training, and strength training.


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