According to Weight Loss Experts

4 minute read


 Even while losing weight in general is challenging, shedding belly fat in particular might seem impossible, especially if you're eager to have a more slim figure. You're about to Google "how to reduce belly fat in two weeks" in an effort to uncover solutions.

Since belly fat is "unfortunately the most dangerous location to store fat," according to Lawrence Cheskin, M.D., chair of the department of nutrition and food studies at George Mason University and associate professor of health, behavior & society at Johns Hopkins University, it's a worthy goal to pursue even though you shouldn't feel pressured to lose weight. Because belly fat, which is also referred to as visceral fat or the deep abdominal fat that surrounds your organs, is more transient, it circulates through the bloodstream more frequently and is therefore more likely to increase the amount of fat in your blood, raising your blood sugar levels and increasing your risk of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Now that I've made my point, tummy fat is bad. However, how do you snap? You must adopt a well-rounded strategy and go beyond crunches and planks. According to Chris Gagliardi, a certified personal trainer with the American Council on Exercise, "it's got to be about reducing fat overall" (ACE). Here are the top strategies for permanently losing belly fat, without further ado.

Why does belly fat form more often?

The causes of weight increase are rather complex, but according to Keri Gans, R.D., author of The Small Change Diet, "belly fat normally arises from ingesting too many calories, which promotes weight gain." However, you truly have no influence over where fat deposits themselves within your body. According to Gans, "We essentially have no control over where that weight goes. "Depending on one's genetics, sex, and/or age, it often ends up on our tummy or hips and thighs."

According to Jessica Cording, R.D., author of The Little Book of Game-Changers, rapidly gaining weight increases your risk of gaining additional belly fat. However, she adds, "certain body types are more likely to store fat tissue around the middle."

Your chance of gaining additional belly fat may also be increased by other factors including inadequate sleep or stress, according to Cording. According to studies, higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol encourage more fat tissue to accumulate around the waist.

What can you do to reduce belly fat, then?

The problem is this It's difficult to predict where you'll lose body fat from, just as there are limits to how much you can control over where you accumulate body fat.

The 5 x 2 Method: Revealing the Power of Your Senses author Chris DiVecchio, a NASM-certified personal trainer, asserts that it is very difficult to direct one particular area of your body to speed up fat burning.

According to Cording, if you get belly fat, it doesn't imply you will always have it. "However, you are not allowed to choose where you lose extra weight." However, she adds, in order to eliminate belly fat, you often need to concentrate on ways that will help you lose weight all over.

How to trim two weeks of tummy fat

According to Cording, weight reduction—and sustainable weight loss in particular—is typically a lengthy process. However, there are several actions you may do to quicken the process.

Recognize that your behavior will change

Being conscious of your decisions is a huge component of losing weight. For instance, you could forget how much you're eating or drinking while you're out with friends for happy hour. But if you stop for a few moment, stand back, and realize that, you may adjust your trajectory. According to Gagliardi, "knowledge and subsequent preparation for what else I can be doing may provide me the same advantage as consuming comfort foods."

Keep a calorie log

The simplest method for losing weight is to burn more calories than you take in. A weight loss app, or even just a pen and paper, may help you determine how many calories you need to cut out of your diet or burn off at the gym in order to reach your objectives since, for example, 3,500 calories equal one pound of fat. According to Gagliardi, losing one pound of weight would result from burning an additional 500 calories each day, seven days a week.


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